I worked in UK NHS IT. I was Prescribing Information Analyst. In part, my role was to gather data, process the figures and flag any GP who appeared to be prescribing like Dr Shipman. If you have not heard of him, look him up.
My role was to help keep the public safe. I, like all other public servants, was directly answerable to the public.
Because I was diligent in my role I was promoted and eventually became an IT Developer. That meant I was collecting and processing far more than just GP prescribing data.
You likely saw lots of graphs on TV as ministers used statistics to say this that and the other was happening. It was people like me who made those kind of graphs.
At one point, some years before this outbreak of hysteria about coughs and snuffles, I discovered I was being passed entirely made up data by one department. I pushed back and challenged, saying I knew those figures were fake. I was raged at in a really, really nasty way. But I stood my ground and the liars EVENTUALLY admitted their figures were made up to my face.
If, knowing the data was false, I had processed it, from a secular point of view, I would have been betraying the trust of the general public. From my Christian perspective, I would have been acting against Almighty God who detests liars.
After I had been cruelly raged at by a member of the NHS on behalf of his lying department, I sought to continue to do my job. But I found that the entire organization had been restructured meaning, the groupings into which my data went had all changed. I had sorted this mess out once. To do it again within a short time-frame was not possible.
I considered I had two options. Throw a sicky due to stress or leave. I left. And that was YEARS before this COVID stuff.
Therefore when I see video like this, I am inclinded to think they are true, even if I do not agree with everything the video makers put out.
BTW - top tip - how to work out when a highly infectious killing disease is about. You will notice in the air the constant sound of ambulance sirens. Did you ever hear constant or near constant ambulance sirens?
Yes I used to process the ambulance figures also.